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Upcoming Events in Philosophy

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    • Conference CFPs (48)
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48 events match the above criteria.
Today 3 Aug
CFP: Teaching the Philosophy of Persuasion
OnlineDepartment of Philosophy, University of Washington
Topics: Epistemology, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Computing and Information, Philosophy of Social Science, Normative Ethics, V2rayN电脑客户端设置教程 – V2ray节点:2021-3-16 · v2rayng.net为大家提供2021年免费v2ray节点分享,v2ray安卓客户端和苹果ios客户端下载,介绍V2Ray使用教程,V2RayNG客户端下载地址。, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
7 Aug
CFP: Racionalita – Logika – Jazyk
Katedra filozofie a společenských věd, Univerzita Hradec Králové
Hradecké filozofické dny 6. ročník
Topics: Science, Logic, and Mathematics
10 Aug
CFP: SPSL session at 2021 Central APA Meeting
Society for the Philosophy of Love and Sex
Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love
Topics: Aesthetics, Applied Ethics, v2rayng苹果客户端下载, Normative Ethics, V2Ray 各平台客户端下载与使用教程 windows客户端V4.20.0 ...:2021-9-26 · V2Ray各平台客户端下载与使用教程 windows客户端V4.20.0官方最新版下载 v2一键下载安卓版本 v2rayN安卓手机版vmess ios苹果应用商店..., Social and Political Philosophy, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
11 Aug
CFP: Between Secularisation and Reform: Religion in the Enlightenment
Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Enlightenment and Religion – a Seminar
Topics: 17th/18th Century Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy, 20th Century Philosophy, V2rayNG客户端下载, European Philosophy
14 Aug
CFP: 2023 International eConference on Religion and the Holocaust
Jewish Studies, Holocaust Studies, Global Center for Religious Research
GCRR Academic Conferences
Topics: General
15 Aug
CFP: First Congress on Polish Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, Opole University
Topics: v2ray安卓版下载
15 Aug
CFP: John Paul II Centennial Conference at the University of Santo Tomas
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Topics: Philosophical Traditions, Miscellaneous
15 Aug
CFP: [Submission Deadline Extended] The Fifth Taiwan Philosophical Logic Colloquium (TPLC5-2023)
Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University
Topics: Epistemology, Logic and Philosophy of Logic
15 Aug
CFP: The 74th Annual Mountain-Plains Philosophy Conference
OnlineWeber State University
Topics: General
15 Aug
CFP: Embodiment and Race Conference
Department of Philosophy and Religion, Clemson University
Topics: V2rayNG客户端下载
15 Aug
CFP: Lighthearted Philosophers' Society Annual Conference
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Topics: General
25 Aug
CFP: Methodological Issues in the Metaphysics of Science
Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol
Topics: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics, M&E, Miscellaneous, General Philosophy of Science, v2ray手机端怎么设置, v2ray安卓版下载, Philosophy of Science, Miscellaneous
28 Aug
CFP: Indiana Philosophical Association Fall Workshop on Philosophical Responses to Crisis
OnlineIndiana Philosophical Association
Fall Workshop
Topics: General
31 Aug
CFP: 2023 Graduate Student Philosophy Conference at Binghamton University
SPEL Philosophy Graduate Program, Binghamton University
Topics: Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, V2rayNG客户端下载, Social and Political Philosophy, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
31 Aug
CFP: ICCE 2023 (Workshop on Teaching logic and Method of Thought at different levels of instruction)
OnlineCollege of General Studies, Yuan Ze University
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31 Aug
CFP: STATE (IN)STABILITY: Past, present and future perspectives for the nation-state
Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy, Libertas International University
Topics: Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, v2ray手机端怎么设置, Social and Political Philosophy, v2ray安卓版下载
1 Sep
CFP: Migration, Force and Violence
Pompeu Fabra University
Topics: General
1 Sep
CFP: The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought
Topics: Epistemology, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Science, Miscellaneous, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
1 Sep
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Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Navarra
Topics: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Religion, M&E, Miscellaneous
1 Sep
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Department of Philosophy, California State University, Fresno
Concerned Philosophers for Peace Annual Meeting
Topics: v2rayng苹果客户端下载, Normative Ethics, 教程 - 免流最佳首选之v2ray搭建教程 - 爱小助:2021-3-13 · 最近宅在家里好无聊,刚好最近墙又有动作,q了一大波服务器,而我搭建v2ray免流的服务器依旧稳定,所伍再把自己教程帖子翻出来安利给大家,稳稳的,但是不建议搭建某酸某汝,因为某酸某汝现在已经不稳定了,容, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
9 Sep
CFP: Just Price Theory: A Reassessment
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MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory
Topics: Metaphysics and Epistemology, Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, v2rayng免费节点每天更新, vultr服务器管理客户端下载-vultr服务器管理器手机版v1.1.0 ...:2 天前 · vultr服务器管理器手机版是一款专业的手机vultr服务器管理器软件,支持远程vultr服务器连接、shell伋码连接、服务器连接、自定义脚本辅助等功能,完全免费,帮你降低服务器压力,节约资金压力!, v2ray手机端怎么设置
10 Sep
CFP: International Society for Environmental Ethics Meeting at Central APA
International Society for Environmental Ethics
Topics: General
15 Sep
CFP: International eConference on Interreligious Dialogue
Global Center for Religious Research
Topics: History of Western Philosophy, Miscellaneous, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Traditions, Value Theory
15 Sep
CFP: NASSP Session @ the 2023 Eastern APA - Systemic Racism, Police Brutality, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
North American Society for Social Philosophy
Topics: Value Theory
15 Sep
CFP: Twelfth French PhilMath Workshop (FPMW 12)
Archives Henri-Poincaré, University of Lorraine, France
French PhilMath Workshop
Topics: Philosophy of Mathematics
15 Sep
CFP: The Ethics of Business, Trade & Global Governance: An Online Conference
OnlineCenter for Ethics in Business & Governance, Saint Anselm College
Topics: Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy
23 Sep
CFP: Technology and coexistence. Phenomenological and anthropological perspectives
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Naples Federico II
Topics: Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, M&E, Miscellaneous, v2ray手机版下载, Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
24 Sep
CFP: 4th International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference
Department of Philosophy and Society, Complutense University of Madrid
Topics: General
25 Sep
CFP: MadMeta XV
Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Topics: Meta-Ethics
26 Sep
Call for Proposals: 29th Annual APPE International Conference
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The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) 2023 Conference
Topics: General
30 Sep
CFP: Preferences, Commitments and Choice
University of Zürich
Topics: General
30 Sep
Symposium: Symposium on the History, Philosophy & Sociology of School Biology
OnlineDublin City University, Dublin City University
ISHPSSB out-of-year workshop
Topics: History of Western Philosophy, General Philosophy of Science, v2rayn安卓 下载, Philosophy of Science, Miscellaneous
30 Sep
CFP: Symposium on the History, Philosophy & Sociology of School Biology
windows10中V2rayN使用教程_OLEOU | 噢勒噢 V3.0:2021-12-10 · V2Ray是一个优秀的开源网络伋理工具,可伍帮助你畅爽体验互联网,目前已经全平台支持Windows、Mac、Android、IOS、Linux(没电脑上Linux啦)等操作系统的使用。相对起Shadowsocks来说属于后起之秀,在混淆能力、兼容性、速度上有着独到的优点。
ISPHSSB out-of-year meeting
Topics: History of Western Philosophy, Epistemology, Philosophical Traditions, General Philosophy of Science, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Miscellaneous, v2ray手机端怎么设置
1 Oct
CFP: Privilege and Position: The 2021 Sewanee Medieval Colloquium
Sewanee, The University of the South
Topics: General
1 Oct
CFP: Plato's Sophist
Department of Philosophy, Northern Arizona University
The 2021 West Coast Plato Workshop
Topics: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
5 Oct
CFP: 66th Meeting of the Florida Philosophical Association
Florida International University
Topics: General
14 Oct
CFP: Philosophy of the City—Bilbao
Topics: General
18 Oct
CFP: DePaul Philosophy Graduate Conference 2021
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Topics: History of Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophical Traditions, v2rayng免费节点每天更新, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Social and Political Philosophy
23 Oct
CFP: Workshop on Embodied Cognition and Dance
Department of Philosophy, University of Memphis
Topics: Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Mind, M&E, Miscellaneous, Aesthetics
31 Oct
CFP: Caring and Sharing - Health and Humanities in Today's World
ULICES - Centre for English Studies (Project SHARE - Health and Humanities Acting Together), University of Lisbon
Topics: History of Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality
1 Nov
CFP: World Logic Day 2021 (Lima, Perú)
Peruvian Society for Epistemology and Logic
World Logic Day Peru
Topics: Logic and Philosophy of Logic
12 Nov
CFP: Political Theology: Reflections on a Contested Concept
Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen Amager
Topics: 17th/18th Century Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy, Miscellaneous, Philosophy of Religion
19 Nov
CFP: XII International Conference «Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects – 2023. Philosophy. Ethics. Practics».
Department of Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects
Topics: Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Philosophy of Law, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
4 Jan 2021
CFP: 2021 International Hobbes Association Meeting
International Hobbes Association
Topics: 17th/18th Century Philosophy
1 Feb 2021
CFP: Ethics, Public Policy, and Health
Ethics and Public Policy Laboratory, Catholic University of Central Africa
Yaoundé Seminar
Topics: Philosophical Traditions, Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, v2ray手机版下载
15 Apr 2021
CFP: Third Bochum Early Career Researchers Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and of Cognitive Science
Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Bochum ECR Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and of Cognitive Science
Topics: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, v2ray安卓客户端 下载, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, M&E, Miscellaneous, Philosophical Traditions, Miscellaneous, Kitsunebi下载【IOS上支持v2ray最完全的应用,支持所有 ...:2021-9-23 · Kitsunebi下载【IOS上支持v2ray最完全的应用,支持所有 vmess 链接】1.99 元 ... 此ID还能去免费下载 Shadowrocket 小火箭! 苹果id商店官网购买链接 相关文章 刷新 ..., Philosophy of Computing and Information, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
1 Jul 2021
CFP: North American Association for Philosophy & Education Annual Conference
University of Saint Mary of the Lake
Topics: History of Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophical Traditions, Value Theory
16 Sep 2021
CFP: Religious Experience and the Crisis of Secular Reason
Department of Philosophy, Institute o Philosophy, University of Vienna
Conferences, Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
Topics: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, v2rayng免费节点每天更新, Philosophical Traditions, Miscellaneous
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